
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A comparative study on computational methods to solve tangram puzzles
%D 2017
%A Yamada, Fernanda Miyuki,
%A Batagelo, Harlen Costa,
%@affiliation Federal University of ABC
%@affiliation Federal University of ABC
%E Torchelsen, Rafael Piccin,
%E Nascimento, Erickson Rangel do,
%E Panozzo, Daniele,
%E Liu, Zicheng,
%E Farias, Mylène,
%E Viera, Thales,
%E Sacht, Leonardo,
%E Ferreira, Nivan,
%E Comba, João Luiz Dihl,
%E Hirata, Nina,
%E Schiavon Porto, Marcelo,
%E Vital, Creto,
%E Pagot, Christian Azambuja,
%E Petronetto, Fabiano,
%E Clua, Esteban,
%E Cardeal, Flávio,
%B Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 30 (SIBGRAPI)
%C Niterói, RJ, Brazil
%8 17-20 Oct. 2017
%I Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
%J Porto Alegre
%S Proceedings
%K tangram, geometric puzzle, comparative study, heuristic programming.
%X The tangram is a dissection puzzle composed of seven polygonal pieces which can be combined to form different patterns. Besides being a recreational puzzle, the tangram relates to a more general class of combinatorial NP-hard problems such as the bin packing problem and jigsaw puzzles. In this paper, we propose a comparative study of current computational methods for automatically solving tangram puzzles. In particular, we propose to implement and compare four approaches that employ strategies based on computational heuristics, genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks and algebraic representations. We intend to identify their similarities, their strengths and weaknesses in order to better understand the tangram puzzle problem, ultimately leading to an improved computational method for solving dissection puzzles.
%@language en
%3 comparative-study-computational.pdf
